Entity Classes by azamsharp


In the last article we saw the differences between the dataset and typed datasets. Typed datasets are more flexible than using dataset. In this article I will explain the entity classes which is far superior than datasets and typed datasets.

Why using Entity Classes:

The problem using the typed datasets was that when the systems grows so does the complicity of using typed datasets. DataSets are also slow when passed between layers of application. As you might already know that dataset is a collection of many tables and hence consumes more memory.
Entity classes provides more flexibility since they access the data using special methods defined in the class library. You can also use different patterns when using Entity Classes.
There are different ways for dealing with entity classes. The most advance is by the use of OR/Mappers which are third party components. In this article I will just explain the basics of entity classes and how you can retrieve data using them.
Let’s first make a Person class which contains private field and those fields are accessed through properties.

public class Person
	private int _personId = 0;
	private string _email = null;
	private DateTime _dateCreated;
	private string _password = null;
	return _personId;

	public string Email
	return _email;
	_email = value;
	public DateTime DateCreated
	return _dateCreated;
	_dateCreated = value;
	public string Password
	return _password;
	password = value;
public int PersonID

All the properties have get and set assessors except the PersonID property which is read only. Now we will make the GetSingleUser class which will return us a single User. You should implement this functionality by sending some key to the database and searching for a single user. I have just moved the data reader forward and returned the first row.

// You should send the key as a parameter to get the Single user
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DBCommandWrapper selectCommandWrapper = db.GetSqlStringCommandWrapper("SELECT PersonID,Email,Password,DateCreated FROM Person");
IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(selectCommandWrapper);
public Person GetSingleUser()
// moving the data reader forward 
return PopulateUser(dr);

As you can read my comments about the method above. You should send some parameter to the GetSingleUser method and select the User on the basis of those parameter. The method calls the PopulateUser method which returns the Person object.

public Person PopulateUser(IDataRecord dr)
Person person = new Person();
if(dr["Email"] != DBNull.Value)
person.Email = ( string) dr["Email"];
return person;

The PopulateUser method simply checks that if the “Email” field is not null and if its not null adds it to the person object and returns the person object to the calling program.

Now let’s see how we can return collection of objects each representing a different user. First we need to create a collection that can hold multiple instances of the Person class. For this we will create a collection which inherits from CollectionBase. You can also use ArrayList or HashTables but since CollectionBase is the base class for all the collections that’s why we are implementing it.

public class PersonCollection : CollectionBase
	public Person this[int index]
	get { return (Person) List[index]; }
	set { List[index] = value; }

	public int Add(Person value)
	return (List.Add(value));

In the above code we defined certain properties which are exposed by our PersonCollection class. Now let’s put instances of Person class into the collection and return the collection to the user.

public PersonCollection GetPersons()
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DBCommandWrapper selectCommandWrapper = db.GetSqlStringCommandWrapper("SELECT PersonID,Email,Password,DateCreated FROM Person");
IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(selectCommandWrapper);
PersonCollection personCollection = new PersonCollection();
return personCollection;

Now we have already seen the implementation of the PopulateUser method which returns the Person object. We are simply adding all the returned objects to the PersonCollection and finally returning the collection. You might have noticed that I am using Enterprise Library for Data Access you can use any method you want.

Binding the collection to the presentation layer is also very simple. You can simply use the property name to bind the columns with any control on the grid.

In this article I explained the basics of entity classes. There is lot more you can do with them. Its always a good idea to use Entity Classes instead of returning datasets and datareaders from the database layer. DataSets whether not typed or strongly typed might work if you application is small but when your application grows in size the use of datasets will create complexity.

Please also see the sample code attached with this article.


Sample Files: EntityClassDbperson.zip