C++ Tutorials

C++ Copy constructors
Copy constructor is a constructor function with the same name as the class used to make deep copy of objects. There are 3 important places […]

Overloading Stream (<<, >>) Operators
Operator overloading is a beautiful concept in C++. At times it is little confusing also. But actually they are quite easy. Anyway, here is an […]

C++ Overloading Operators Postfix Prefix
C++ overloading clearly advocates simplicity in usage and readability. That is why all forms of operators are getting overloaded to give natural and domain […]

C++ Overloading Operators
C++ overloading is the mechanism by which the language standard operators are used for customized operations of the classes. For example if we are […]

C++ Virtual destructors
Ask any programmer, he’ll immediately reply saying “A destructor is a member function of a class, which gets called when the object goes out […]

Dangers of returning a reference to private data of a class by sandyiscool
The following article discusses the dangers of returning a reference to private data of a class. First, it is shown how a reference to private […]

Virtual Functions in C++ by joydipkanjilal
The concept of a Virtual Destructor is also covered. What is a Virtual Function? A virtual function is a member function of a class, whose […]

C++ Functions
A function is written in C++ when there’s a certain chunk of code that will be executed more than once, or maybe even just to […]

C++ Pointers
We can define a variable in C++ to store a memory address. A pointer in C++ is said to “point to” the memory address that […]