Mohammad Azam by azamsharp

My name is Mohammad Azam. You might know me as “AzamSharp“. I started programming at the age of 13 with GW BASIC as my first programming language. Later I switched to C programming language and now I exclusively develop solutions in C#.

I have written several articles for many websites. Some of them are also published on Microsoft Official Website You will find most of my articles on

 I spend most my time reading .net articles and posting solutions to questions on forums. I am also Top 25 poster on forums. Currently I am an undergraduate student in University of Houston. I will be graduating in Fall 2005. I am also working as an developer for my university.

My hobbies include listening music, playing video games and walk on a sunny day. Recently I got engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world which is the best thing ever happened to me. I would also like to thank my parents for all their support and love they have given me on every step of life.

You can contact me at