MFC & Win32

MFC Tutorial Part 1

MFC provides really nice classes for doing windows programming. It has taken away all the pains of SDK, where a programmer is expected to handle…


MFC Tutorial Part 2 – Handling Message Maps

This article is the next step after MFC Tutorial Part 1 which dealt with a simple task of creating a window. This part tries to cover the details…


MFC Tutorial Part 3 – Paint Brush application

This MFC Tutorial part 3 deals with the task of creating a simple paint brush application. This program will draw a line when the left mouse button…


MFC Tutorial Part 4 – Creating Menus in MFC

Menu programming is the next step to be learnt in MFC after learning message maps. MFC provides two ways of programming menus. One is by using the…


MFC Tutorial Part 5 – Dialog Boxes in MFC

Application programs in any language need some interactive screens to give inputs and obtain outputs. All windows based GUIs will definitely use…


Modeless Dialog Boxes in MFC – MFC Tutorial Part 6

The previous tutorial dealt with the Creation of Modal Dialog boxes in MFC. This part of our Tutorial deals with the Creation of Modeless Dialog…


Command Buttons in MFC Dialog Boxes – MFC Tutorial Part 7

The next step after learning Dialog box creation in MFC, are the controls. This article deals with the Command Button control. We'll look at how to…


Check Box Usage – MFC Tutorial 8

Check boxes are used to check binary states. Yes or No answers, Male/Female kind of conditional user interface inputs are easier with a check box.…


CListBox Example – MFC Tutorial 9

List boxes are used to load a list of items. Users will be able to add, select and delete items with the list boxes. CListBox Examples: The MFC…


MFC Tree usage and example – MFC Tutorial X

MFC Tree controls are one of the useful controls to show a hierarchical view of items. They can show the folders list, any parent - child…


Bitmaps on Command Button using CBitmapButton

CBitmapButton class provided by MFC can be used to place bitmaps on command buttons. It allows up to four bitmaps to be placed on the command button…


MFC Radio Group control like Delphi

Ever worked with Borland Delphi or Borland C Builder? You might have noticed the Radio Group Control that OWL presents (OWL is Object Windows Library…


CCombobox Owner Draw Color Dialog

CComboBox class in MFC is used for manipulating the combo box. MFC allows achieving any custom behaviors on controls by inheriting from its own…


CCombobox Owner Draw Picture Dialog

   This project using MFC CComboBox class illustrates an owner-draw combo box. The class uses an abstract object to draw the items. This is similar…


CListBox example using Icons

CListBox class can contain string data type as well as Icons. In fact in Windows all controls are considered to be a window with their own Message…


CListBox Changing Font and Colors

   CListBox class as such does not give support for different fonts or colors. So whenever a programmer needs to use different fonts or colors, he…


Using CCheckListBox instead of CListBox for supporting Check Boxes

   CListBox MFC class does not have its own way of handling a check box inside the list box. That is why MFC provides another class CCheckListBox…


CListBox owner draw control for showing Fonts

   CListBox is being used to display the Fonts installed in the local machine in this project with an owner-draw list box. The class uses an…


CListBox owner draw control for Displaying different colors

   CListBox in MFC provides functions and data members to manipulate a list box control. This class can be over-ridden/manipulated in order to…


CListBox owner draw control for showing Pictures

   CListBox in MFC is a powerful control. It can be used for displaying the normal text and even custom data like pictures. Whenever such custom…


CListCtrl with Checkboxes

   CListCtrl is a very useful control for reporting purposes. It provides an option, which can be used to display a big report in a grid. If there…


Working with ADO and CListCtrl List View in MFC by vkworld

ADOstands for ActiveX Data Object.ADO provides an object-oriented programming interface for accessing a data source using the OLE-DB data provider.…


User Event in MFC

   There are instances when some application errors occur in our program, it will be best to raise a generic message. This might send an e-mail…


Debugging VC ++ –

  This article does not try to cover all possible details about debugging VC ++. It tries to add some knowledge to the VC++ programmers who are…


Runtime class information using CRuntimeClass in MFC

    C++ by itself does not have a feature for dynamic runtime class information. But Microsoft solved this problem by providing…


User Interface Threads in MFC

A thread is the path of execution of a process. A thread by itself, uses only a part of the memory and address space of the process in which it is…


AfxBeginThread usage for creating a Mfc Worker Thread

A worker thread in MFC is used for many background tasks like printing, computations, network servers etc.,  Unlike User Interface threads, worker…


Unicode Programming in MFC

Unicode characters are invented to accommodate additional international characters  part from English. Earlier characters were represented in…


Working with Timers in Visual C++ by vkworld

Windows timers are mechanisms that let you set one or more timers to be triggered at a specific number of milliseconds. If you set a timer to be…


Shutdown, Logoff API in Visual C++, MFC and Win32 – Article by Alok by thatsalok

This Visual C++ sample project using MFC is intended to either shutdown, logoff, or restart the computer at a given time or immediately. This is a…


Alarm application in Visual C++/MFC

This project shows the development of a class that is useful as a reminder or to perform some tasks at a given time or time interval. The class is…


EFTidyCOM – HTML Code cleaner ATL Component by thatsalok

Introduction Before I go in detail ,I want you to known what actually EfTidy is, EfTidy is Wrapper Component of Tidy Library and if you don't…


General GDI Plus issues

GDI Plus Description: GDIPlus is a Microsoft object-oriented C++ library, which provides better access to the graphic devise interface of windows.…


Animation Control derived from MFC CStatic class using GDI Plus

This project gives a sample of a control that animates a group of pictures on a dialog box. The control uses the Microsoft GDIPlus library. It…


MFC GDI Plus thumbnail CListCtrl

This project gives a sample of a control that displays the thumbnails of the JPEG pictures in a selected folder. The control uses the Microsoft…


MFC GDI Plus Picture Box

   This project gives a sample of a control that displays pictures on the dialog. The control uses the Microsoft GDIPlus library. It displays…


MFC Resizing controls

There are times when we need to dynamically resize the controls inside the Windows/Dialogs. This article tries to give a small sample of how to…


Removing Untitled from MFC Window

The CFrameWnd class calls a lot of functions before instantiating a window. One of those functions PreCreateWindow, determines the styles of the…


Dialog Box PreTranslateMessage

When Dialog boxes in MFC are created using the resource editor, they will have two default Command Buttons. One with caption as OK and other one with…


Single Instance Applications in MFC

Some of the applications need to be restricted to run as a single instance. This can be achieved very easily in MFC windows applications. When the…


MFC General Owner Draw issues

When writing code for owner-draw combo boxes try to keep these guidelines: Use SetItemData because it easy to get it with the DRAWITEMSTRUCT without…


Internet Relay Chat

   This article gives a brief idea about the popular Internet Relay Chat. We'll be looking at how to write an IRC client with our Visual…


Visual C++/MFC Sample on Internet Relay Chat

This article takes a look at developing an IRC client program using Microsoft Visual C++, MFC and WinSock. For the development this uses the IRC…


Using WinExec function by radsarma

   WinExec is a WINDOWS API function that can be used in case we want to execute legacy applications. This function is used with processes(…


MFC Window without Title Bar by vamsi

   In this Program the Create Api Call to create the window takes the third parameter that is window style as WS_POPUP, which is responsible for…


Transparent MFC Window by vamsi

This is a Win32 Application, which shows a Transparent MFC Window such that the Window looks same as the background window present on the desktop. On…


Working with MSMQ in Visual C++ by vkworld

Message Queuing Overview: Message Queuing is a message infrastructure and a development platform for creating distributed, loosely-coupled messaging…


Windows Socket Server Programming in MFC

Socket servers are slightly difficult to write when compared with the client sockets. A windows socket server program should wait, accept and…


The Boot Process of DOS Operating System by joydipkanjilal

This article discusses the process involved in the boot process of the DOS Operating System. Booting may be defined as the process of loading the…


The Future of Full Stack Development: A Comprehensive Look at Emerging Trends in 2023

Every web application we use today has a backend program that oversees data management, logic, and security, and a frontend design that renders…


Chapter 1 – Introduction to multithreading by muskad202

Your computer most probably has only one processor. One processor can carry out only one task at a time. But most probably, you run multiple…


Chapter 2 – Threading Classes by muskad202

The Thread Class: Once you’ve decided what work needs to be done in a separate thread by your application, you need to create an object of the…


Chapter 3 : Thread Synchronization by muskad202

Lets start with a simple application. Have a look at the code below: class BankAccount { public int Money; } class…


Chapter 4 – Multithreading With Windows Forms by muskad202

You might come across a situation where you need to write a multithreading Windows Application, where multiple threads make updates to the UI. The…


Chapter 5 – Slightly Advanced Synchronization by muskad202

We’ve seen how the lock syntax, and how mutexes, can be used for synchronization. However, using these in their simplest forms is not always…


Multithreading in .net by oraclequest

Introduction This article is about muilti – threading concept in .NET explained using C# as programming language. Multi threading is an…


CreateNamedPipe – Creating Named Pipe Server

Named Pipes are useful in Inter Process communication. Pipes will always have two ends. One on the Server (usually to listen and reply) and the…


Named Pipe client

Named Pipes are useful in Inter Process communication. Pipes will always have two ends. One on the Server (usually to listen and reply) and the…


Win32 dll Creation and usage

Dll is convenient in many ways. If there are some functionalities which are expected to change over time, a Dll becomes the choice of use whether its…


Unicode to ascii conversion

Unicode programming is supposed to be easier with windows. But there are certain weird instances when we need to write some weird code too. This…


Retrieve logged on user name on Windows NT

This piece of sample code explains how to retrieve the Logged on User and Domain name on Win NT/2000 using Win32 functions. . The function…


GetEnvironmentVariable and GetEnvironmentStrings usage in Win32

   Environment variables are used by variety of programs. Each process loaded in Windows will have access to its block of environment variables.…


Win32 File Sample

Win32 File Samples article tries to explain how to read from and write to Disk files using Win32 functions. Though Win32 is not user-friendly and…


Print Dialog customization using PrintDlg function in Visual C++/Win32

Customized Printing Dialog using PrintDlg: This article is about how to create a customized Print Dialog. Customized dialog means the customization…


Win32 program to create dialog box with tabcontrol – Kalyan

As any body know how to create a dialog box in Win32, but lot of them are struggling how to place controls on that dialog. We don't have specific…


EnumServicesStatus – Enumerate NT services

Every machine installed with Windows NT Operating system and above will have NT services running with it. Developers will also write some Win32 NT…


How to Read & Write the COM Port – A Step by Step Approach by bagavathikumar

Choose New Project from Visual Studio's File menu.   In the New Project dialog box, select the MFC Application template, type the name as…


Registry Operations using Win32

Using registry has become a regular practice for all the programmers. The best way to store all configurations in the old days was Registry only.…


Registry Operations

   Registry is organized as a hierarchical tree. The Registry keys are folder like entries and the keys can contain string values (…


Win32 Registry Tweaks Utility by thatsalok

Basically this whole program depends on the registry. The registry in Windows holds the key to each and every aspects of the Windows Operating…


Win32 Socket Client

  Socket programming in MFC is usually a bit messy. It's always clean and convenient to write the socket programs using Win32.   A big…


Ip address of a computer using winsock

    There is a function gethostbyname for getting the ip address using Winsock. This function will retrieve the ip address details…


Socket Server in Win32 Select Model

Windows provides different models for programming with sockets. This winsock tutorial explains, one of the models which uses select function. The…


Socket Server in Winsock Event Object Model

    The third part of this Winsock tutorial  provides a useful way to handle sockets by using an Event based model. This model uses the…


Win32 Command Line SMTP

   Command Line SMTP can be programmed using sockets very easily. SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol has a set of commands to be sent and…


Multithreading in Win32

    Multithreading is a vast subject. This article aims to cover only some basics on multithreading. It also gives a small sample code to write a…



Synchronization is a very hot topic in all threading subjects. Almost all the programs using threading are in some way will be implementing a…


C++ MAPI – Configuring EDK (Exchange Development Kit)

In the directory where the C++ MAPI Exchange kit has been installed, go to $ExchangeSDKLibSrcExchSdkRelease and build the debug versions of the…


MAPI C++ Exchange Public Folders

Microsoft Exchange Public Folders are the repositories of a lot of information belonging to the organization. Microsoft has provided a lot of COM…


MAPI – Enumerating emails in C++

   The Microsoft Exchange server and outlook have become indispensable in an office environment. More applications are written using MAPI to handle…


MAPI C++ Enumerate Profiles

A windows computer will in most probability be installed with some profiles for connecting to the Microsoft Exchange Servers. This profile will…


C++ MAPI Address Book

Extracting the e-mail addresses and the associated NT accounts from the global address list is easier to program and difficult to execute.…


Introduction to OpenGL by bagavathikumar

OpenGL is the abbreviation of Open Graphics Library. OpenGL is a standard which is cross platform application programming interface (API) for…


Detecting line/(rotating)rectangle intersection in OpenGL

Introduction: In this tutorial we will show how to detect the intersection between a line and a rectangle. OpenGL programmers know that it is easy…


How to Setup OpenGL Programs

To run the Open GL program you need to follow the following steps Step 1- Install Visual Studio 6 or higher version on your machine Step 2-…


Drawing simple shapes – Open GL Tutorial 1 by Osama Hosam

Introduction: I’m going to introduce a series of lessons about OpenGL. The series will start from drawing simple shapes to developing a complete…


Coloring – OpenGL Tutorial 2 by Osama Hosam

Introduction: Everything around us is seen colored; when you are going to draw a scene in OpenGL you have to add some colors to the objects to make…


Working with 3D Environment – Opengl tutorial 3 by Osama Hosam

Introduction Most of current games in market are built in the 3D environment, so it is clear that we find the look and feel of the real world…


Texturing Open GL Tutorial 4 by Osama Hosam

Introduction Texturing is the way of covering objects with textures. In game design sometimes it is needed to have walls with the exact appearance…


Displaying Text – OpenGL Tutorial 5 by Osama Hosam

Introduction Text is the way of delivering messages. It is a way of interactivity between the user and the game. It can be used to post messages in…


OpenGL Primitives OpenGL Tutorial 6 by Osama Hosam

Introduction Vectors are very important in implementing games. They are used to define the direction of an object also defines the velocity which…


Loading 3D files from OpenGL – OpenGL Tutorial 7 by Osama Hosam

Tutorial 7: Loading 3D files from OpenGL Introduction When you work with OpenGL you will find the environment without modeling tools. Actually,…


DirectX Programming in C# by tomd123

A little background info:    DirectX projects require more processing power from the computer and they could become really complex because…


Active Directory Programming – Enumerating Users from a local computer

Active Directory Programming has become necessary now a days because Active Directory is now been considered as a standard across all organizations.…


Using a Custom ActiveX Control in MFC by shours

The ActiveX is a container with a well-determined functionality. Everybody has heard or seen an ActiveX control. They are everywhere. You could…


Creating Custom ActiveX Controls in Visual C++ by shours

An ActiveX is class, is a library, is a COM object further more is a concept itself. ActiveX controls are pieces of code compiled and linked that…


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